Richard Billings' New Orleans Journal


May 22-23, 1967

Continuing with my notes: first, on May 22, conversation with Garrison by telephone. Garrison, interviewed on television the previous Sunday night, did say as reported that it was his belief that Oswald did not fire the shots that killed the President. He said he has known that for some time, and he is certain that Oswald was simply a minor character in the plot, clearly a decoy or patsy, or both; and it's Garrison's opinion that Oswald probably thought he was at least deluded into thinking he was infiltrating some kind of group, but that his role, though he had a role, was a minor one. Now, the key to this, says Garrison, is the statement by Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig of Dallas, who swore that he saw Oswald leaving the Texas School Book Depository in a light-colored station wagon, testimony that is not believed by the Warren Commission, incidentally. Craig said that later that afternoon, after Oswald was arrested, he saw the suspect in the office of Police Captain Fritz, and he says, Craig testified, that Oswald said at that time: "Now everyone will know who I am." Garrison further finds it interesting that the police in Dallas failed to record or take stenographic record of Oswald's statements for 12 hours after his arrest, which he considers to be quite suspicious; and moreover, Garrison has studied the location of the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, where it was found in the Book Depository building. It was far from the window where Oswald allegedly fired the shots, and it was under a couple of boxes. It is Garrison's opinion, in which he concurs with many of the critics, that Oswald would not have had time to try to hide the rifle under those boxes at such a distance from the window.

Garrison, of course, is working closely with the critics and a man who, to a large degree, is responsible for this new step in the certainty is Raymond Marcus. Marcus has satisfied Garrison that the trajectory of the shot that hit Connally could not have come from the book depository. He also is quite impressed by a photographic study made by Richard Sprague, who is examining the photographic evidence. Sprague is able to see five people on the knoll behind the picket fence in the picture -- from a photograph taken by Mary Moorman. It is apparent, however, that Garrison sees what the critic see, and they all see what they want to see, and they won't regard any countering evidence, such as the study made of the Nix film by the Itek Co.; they just won't listen to any argument that differs from their point of view.

Now, back to the New Orleans case. Garrison mentions that he has a statement by a man named Fred Leemans, who in 1959 and '60, ran a massage parlor at 517 Canal St. Leemans swears that a man who identified himself as Clay Bertrand came to the massage parlor regularly. He remembers this because this man wrote the name Clay Bertrand on a brown envelope, in which his valuables were placed. He further describes Clay Bertrand as Clay Shaw, and once [sic -- what's?] more, he says that on at least one or two occasions, a younger man came with him, and he remembers the younger man had the name, Lee, and he describes the younger man as a loudmouth. More coming on this.

And then Garrison says that a letter has been found in the apartment that Gordon Novel vacated, a rough draft of a letter, apparently one that was later typed by Novel, to a Mr. Weiss. This letter, if it's not a plant, or if it's not a Novel trick, clearly links his past activities with some kind of intelligence operation in New Orleans.

Now, on May 23rd, we went to New Orleans to track down this new information, this letter supposedly left by Novel, and with the primary purpose of gaining more insight into the Garrison-alleged conspiracy No. 2. This, he claims, is an attempt by the federal government to block the trial, to end the case, or to see that the case never does come to trial.

Arrived at Garrison's office about noon, and the first topic of discussion is the statement by this man, Leemans. We have a copy of his statement, which we won't go into in detail. Mr. Leemans now is the owner of something called the Stardust Lounge in Slidell, La. He owned the massage parlor until 1961. In 1961, in May, he sold it to a Mr. Emerald. Now, it's possible that Oswald could have gone to the massage parlor during his brief stay in New Orleans in 1959, from where he departed on his trip to Europe. Tracking Oswald from New Orleans is a point of interest, in that he went first to Le Havre, and then to Southampton, with the intent of going to the Albert Schweitzer College; but from England, he switched plans and went to Russia via Finland. Garrison assumes with certainty that by 1959, Oswald was an agent for the United States Government. He cites as one bit of evidence here that at this time, Oswald was fluent in Russian, never having known any foreign languages, never having had an aptitude for language prior to the time he entered the Marine Corps.

At any rate, there is some doubt about Leemans' statement, certainly unless he can corroborate in some kind of written record that Clay Bertrand had visited the parlor, and can then point to Shaw as the man using the name, Clay Bertrand, it will not be of any great value. Whether or not a man named Lee, who may or may not be Lee Harvey Oswald, was with him seems to be a secondary issue that will not be proven one way or the other. But, in the words of Jim Alcock, whether Lee was there or not is incidental; the nailing down of the Bertrand thing is what is important.

I'll read into this transcript the letter that was found in Gordon Novel's apartment:

"Dear Mr. Weiss:

This letter is to inform you that District [sic] Jim Garrison has subpoenaed myself and an associate to testify before his Grand Jury on matters which may be classified Top Secret. Actions of individuals connected with Double-Check Corporation in Miami in first quarter of 1961.

We have no current contact available to inform of this situation, so I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation. Expecting you to forward this to appropriate channels.

Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. Garrison's investigation.

We have temporarily avoided one subpoena not to reveal Double-Check activities or associate them with this case. We want out of this thing before Thursday, 3 (it's a little hard to read) / blank / '67. Our attorneys have been told to expect another subpoena to occur and testify in this matter. The 5th Amendment and/or immunity and legal tactics will not suffice.

Mr. Garrison is in possession of unsworn portions of this testimony. He is unaware of Double-Check involvement in this matter, but has strong suspicions. I have been questioned extensively by local FBI recently as to whether or not I was involved with Double-Check's parent holding company during that time. My reply on 5 queries was negative. Bureau unaware of Double-Check association in this matter. Our attorneys and others are in possession of complete sealed files containing all information concerning matter. In the event of our sudden departure, either accidental or otherwise, they are instructed to simultaneously release some for public scrutiny in different areas simultaneously.

Appropriate counteraction relative to Garrison's inquisition concerning us may best be handled through military channels vis a vis DIA man. Garrison is presently colonel in Louisiana army National Guard and has a ready reserve status. Contact may be had through our attorneys of current record, Plotkin, Alvarez & Saper."

End letter. This letter was turned over to Garrison by States-Item reporter Hoke May, who received it from a professor at Loyola University, who in turn received it from a boyfriend of one of two girls who moved into Novel's apartment. The girls have said that they were redecorating the apartment, and were tearing up the linoleum in the kitchen, and it was under this linoleum that the letter was found. Now, if the letter is authentic, there are some very revealing points there, if it wasn't, as we said, a plant, or if it is not some figment of Novel's imagination. Some points have been checked; he mentioned, for example, "DIA man" -- this is the Defense Intelligence Agency, which was organized in 1961, in October, to take on the responsibility of intelligence for all military components in the Pentagon.

It is necessary here to go back over Garrison's relationship with Novel. Novel set on Garrison during an election campaign, and he told the District Attorney that he had done some bugging for one of his opponents. Garrison says that he, Novel, wanted me to know my phone was bugged, and he wanted to do some counter-bugging for me. Seems to be, according to Garrison, Novel's modus operandi to work both sides, and during this investigation -- this would be in January -- through a friend and supporter of Garrison's by the name of Willard Robertson, Novel got in touch with Garrison and told him that five FBI agents had interviewed him over the past three or four days, wanting to know if he, Novel, had been hired by Garrison to do any bugging or any counter-bugging. It was obvious by this time to Garrison, he now says, that Novel is working both sides, and Garrison asked him to specify the names of the FBI men, and Novel surprised him by doing so. Novel was anxious to tell about an adventure that he was aware of in Houma, La., which involved the -- a burglary of weapons and explosives. Novel said that he could tell about the thing, but he wasn't involved; it turns out later that he was, although it was Novel's intent to keep himself on the sidelines of this operation. For a short period, Novel was a confidential source, but the manner of his providing Garrison with information, phony information, and then turning it over to news media, prompted the District Attorney to promote Novel first to material witness and later to defendant, and that is when Novel skipped town. Apparently, right after he wrote he letter to Mr. Weiss, and then, at a later time, he was interviewed in Columbus, Ohio by a reporter named Endicott, the story that was picked up and developed further and run in the States-Item. We understand from the States-Item reporter, Hoke May, that Novel told Endicott a story of his working for the CIA; he told the story late one night, he was tired, he had been drinking, and he spieled out this story and said, you can print it; and then the next day he called up Endicott and pleaded with him not to print it, but the story broke anyway.

It is important to note here that, though it appears to be fairly certain that Novel had a connection with the intelligence agency, this in no way ties him or the agency to the assassination, though the tone of the letter and statements in the letter and Novel's apparent -- obvious fear of Garrison would seem to indicate at least a high degree of suspicion.

Now Bill Martin, the Assistant DA, has received another letter from Richard Nagell. Nagell is a man who claims to have pulled a phony bank robbery in San Antonio because he feared that his involvement and his knowledge of the assassination would get him in serious trouble, since he had been working in this country as an agent for the Soviet Union. Nagell has offered to put Garrison in touch with some tapes which recorded planning of the assassination, and has offered to tell his story to Garrison's office if this is kept on a confidential basis. Martin has been to see Nagell twice in Springfield, posing as his attorney of record. The last time he visited the institution, Nagell discovered Martin discussing the case with an official of the prison, and announced in animate and angry terms that he wanted no more to do with Martin or Garrison. A subsequent letter by Martin, which he wrote after consulting with a psychiatrist in New Orleans, was not received by Nagell, he refused to receive it, and, although Martin had the name of the man who is holding the tape, it has been decided by Garrison not to pursue that until -- letting Nagell, giving Nagell a chance to come back and proceed with an earlier plan. The plan was for Nagell to get a letter to Martin which would -- Martin would give to the man who has the tapes, and this would assure that the tape by [sic] turned over to Garrison's office. Now, this letter that Martin has just received is dated May 19th, in which Nagell says he is preparing for a writ of habeas corpus, and a long attached memorandum which he intends to file with the US District Court in Missouri or in Kansas if he, Nagell, is returned to Leavenworth before he is ready to submit the memorandum. He says that he will send a copy to Martin or to Judge Bagert, and in the memo, he will name names of people that Garrison's office may well want to subpoena. He says, "The reason for my contemplated action stems from the belief that my involvement, which, as you possibly know by now, is deeper than I admitted to you or to my sister, is going to be made public eventually anyway; in this respect, I only hope that the authorities furnish adequate safeguard for my children." And at the end of the letter, Nagell says that he has been informed that he will be returned to Leavenworth on or about June 12th.

Garrison believes that Nagell has no intention of submitting this memorandum to a court, where it would become public record. He feels that Nagell wrote the letter in order to arouse or re-arouse Martin's interest, and that when Martin returns to see him another time, that he will proceed with the plan to put Garrison in touch with the tapes and the information and the evidence that Garrison hopes will be authentic documentation that there was a conspiracy to assassinate the President. Everyone, Garrison included, is concerned with the possibility that Nagell is nothing more than [a] paranoid man with insane delusions. But he has obtained a transcript of Nagell's trial, which we have borrowed, and claims that in this trial, it comes clear that Nagell is not a nut, and that he committed no horrendous crime, certainly not one worthy of a ten-year prison sentence, and that this gives him reason to believe that Nagell's knowledge was known by the federal government, and for that reason, he was put away to -- in order that he be kept quiet. Certainly, Nagell is well worth pursuing, and Martin plans to make a trip to Springfield immediately.

A little more information on the tape that Nagell claims to have possession of: he says it was made on Aug. 20 or 21, 1963, but this conflicts with another statement, in which the tape appears to have been made in the latter part of September 1963, but Nagell swore to Martin this tape would be conclusive proof that there was a plot to kill President Kennedy.

Another point on the Novel letter. Garrison has employed a handwriting expert named Gilbert, who has determined from analyzing the draft of the letter, comparing it with letters Novel wrote to his ex-wife, that this letter was indeed written by Gordon Novel.

Now a note on Lee Odom of Dallas, the man who emerged as the holder of Post Office Box 19106. Odom will be interviewed this evening by Bill Boxley, the former CIA man who is helping Garrison. A telephone tip was received today from a man, unidentified man in Dallas, who claims that during the period Lee Odom was supposed to be the holder of Box 19106, this man received 10 letters, all from the Junior Chamber of Commerce in Dallas, and each one had a return address of Post Office Box 19106. The tip will be pursued through the source, but if he is not located, Garrison will go to the Junior Chamber of Commerce, to determine if they were using that box in that period. Garrison, of course, wants to pursue this tip, to attempt to expose the fact that Odom may have been a plant by the defense to explain the entry in Shaw's notebook of Lee Odom of Post Office Box 19106, Dallas.

Garrison has received a letter from Jules Streiso of 540 Tucaho Road, Yonkers, dated May 22, of which we have a copy. The letter refers to a man named James Nicklass, who, Streiso claims, has worked for the CIA, knows the names of all the people involved in an alleged plot, and offers to attempt to locate Nicklass, and we have a copy of the letter and we will pursue Streiso.

We are independently checking now the strange story of Lorenzo Hall, Lawrence Howard, and William Seymour, who were arrested in October 1963 in Dallas on a drug charge, and who have received some interest from Weisberg. Now, we're pursuing this a little more energetically now because Acoca has come up with a report in Miami that Seymour has been known to use the name, Leon Oswald, and we are obtaining from Tom Dunkin pictures of these three men, and we have an interesting tape from Weisberg from an unidentified source that further links their activities with a possible right-wing conspiracy.

[Unintelligible handwritten notation, followed by bold handwritten "23"]

Lynn Loisel, Garrison's investigator, has received a report from Lieutenant Fruge of the State Police. Fruge advises that in October 1963 there was a voter registration drive going on in Clinton, La. On a certain day, date coming, a black Cadillac drove to Clinton. There were four men in the car; one was described as tall, grey-haired, well dressed, fitting the description of Clay Shaw. Second man, not so well dressed, but bushy eyebrows, possibly fitting the description of David Ferrie; and two other men, both of whom got out of the car, got in line, and attempted to register to vote. One of these men was described as appearing to be Lee Harvey Oswald. This man, when attempting to register, was refused because he did not have a New Orleans or Louisiana address, though he said he lived with a doctor at the Jackson State Hospital, a mental institution. The other man was identified by name, because he did register as Estes [sic] Morgan. Mr. Morgan, however, was killed in 1966.

In line with this, it should be noted that Rose Cherami, a dope addict who has testified to the FBI that she knew of a relationship between Oswald and Ruby, and who also testified that she had some prior knowledge of the assassination, was in this Jackson hospital at the time of the assassination, and Rose Cherami is also dead, having been killed by an automobile since the assassination.

This report of the appearance by these people identified as Oswald, Ferrie, Shaw, and Estes [sic] Morgan is being checked out by the State Police, though they do have little further information. For instance, the Cadillac is reported to have been registered to the International Trade Mart. The registration was checked that day, and by going back into the records of what licenses were checked in Oct. of '63 in Baton Rouge . . . (end of Side A of tape marked "NO, May 23")

Alcock then reported he had an earlier call from Lieutenant Fruge, in which he said he had a report that Oswald had applied for work in October 1963 at the Jackson Hospital. He was turned down because he was not a registered voter in Louisiana, which [sic] a requirement for employment at a state hospital, which might explain why Oswald would have attempted to register to vote.

It was later determined by Loisel that the name of the doctor with whom Oswald stated he was living at the time is a Doctor Frank Silva, who was born on the 10th of October, 1929, in Havana. He reportedly married a girl from Jackson, which is a town as well as the name of the state institution. And he lived in Jackson from 1958-64; he was employed as an associate professor and consultant at Tulane University, though he lived on the grounds of the institution. He did consulting work for the institution, and was on its payroll for a very short time in May of 1963, for the month of May 1963. The source of this information is a Mr. McLeury of the State Sovereignty Commission. Garrison's office is checking the report further.

Garrison has a feeler now from Layton Martens through Hoke May, and the word is, indication is that Martens may want to become a state witness. Hoke May is going to see him this evening.

At this point, Hoke May came to Garrison's office; he had a report about Jerry Weiner, the Novel lawyer in Columbus, who, according to Hoke May, has admitted being paid by the CIA. This makes two lawyers who told reporters they were on the CIA payroll, the other being Plotkin, who is Novel's lawyer in New Orleans, who told States-Item reporter Ross Yockey of his CIA retainer. There is a brief discussion of the report that Novel was shot at in Nashville, Tenn. last Sunday; May says that Weiner had made a statement to a reporter before the incident that he had received a warning against Novel's life, and the suspicion is that this is all a hoax to convince the state of Ohio that it would be too dangerous for Novel to return to the South.

Hoke May has a tip that Juan Valdez, a Mexican who has come up earlier as the man who discovered the body of cancer specialist Mary Sherman in a 1965 [sic] murder. A description of Juan Valdez was given to Garrison by Hoke May; it turns out he is a big, fairly bull-necked pugilist-type Latin, and this description places him in an area of interest, since Garrison is continuing to look for that short and stocky Latin who keeps turning up with Oswald in 1963. Mary Sherman, the late Mary Sherman, is of interest because of reports that she knew Ferrie, worked with him in cancer research, and is quoted in a paper that Ferrie wrote on the cure of cancer, and it's also been reported that she was acquainted with Clay Shaw. Garrison is interested in Juan Valdez for another curious reason. He goes back to the lie-detector test administered to Emilio Santana. A list of names was read to Santana, and one of them was thrown in for no particular reason -- the name Jean Vales, who is a piano player in the French Quarter. And Garrison couldn't understand at the time why, when saying he didn't know Jean Vales, Santana flunked the question, and he now suspects that the similarity between the names Jean Vales and Juan Valdez could have been the reason.

Historical note: we're continuing research on the source of the name, Clay Bertrand, or Clement Bertrand. Hoke May points out that the real name [of] Pope Clement I was Bertrand (which is spelled a couple of ways . . .) -- D'Agoust, or De Got; he was the Pope from 1305 to 1316, and it is suspected by May that this may be the source of the name, pseudonym, Clement Bertrand, the man who, may still insists, was the one who got the Marquis de Sade out of the Bastille.

Garrison plans to re-question Emilio Santana, and he also has plans for Carlos Quiroga, who has been subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury tomorrow, that would be May 24th.

Perhaps the most interesting revelation of the trip came from Garrison on the way to the airport, in which he said that the -- one of his early suspects was now cooperating with him. This man, still a suspect, in fact, his involvement is considered by Garrison to be more likely than ever, is Morris Brownlee. Brownlee came to Garrison again through the reporter, Hoke May. He got in touch with Garrison, as did a friend of his, a man named John George. Back in November of 1966, George and Brownlee and two Cuban dope addicts, a man named Gomez-Cortez and a man named Guajardo, these four men were stopped at the Mexico border returning from Mexico to the United States. They were stopped in Brownsville by Customs officials for either the alleged possession or actual possession of narcotics. John George was a new character on the scene, but a very interesting one, is described by Garrison as very frightened, a man who lived in Dallas in 1963, a man who has known Brownlee for many years, a man who has worked for the CIA, and a man who moved to New Orleans after the assassination.

Now, out of fear, or because they think or Garrison feels they think he [sic] protect them, these men are cooperating with Garrison. For one thing, they are taking tape recordings of attempts by the news media, primarily NBC, to get them to make statements that will incriminate Garrison, and these tapes are being turned over to Garrison. They are also giving Garrison information such as the fact that Layton Martens' lawyer, a man named Milton Brener, is the son-in-law of a man named Irving Grad, and Irving Grad has been, perhaps still is an agent for the CIA.

George is further described as an informer for the Customs Bureau, and when asked what his other livelihood is, Garrison answered, his business is staying alive. He demonstrates his fear of reprisal by keeping a .45 pistol very apparent in his home. He has one in the living room, one in the kitchen, one in the bedroom. Garrison says he is not an addict, but he probably has sold dope. He is more cooperative than Brownlee at the present time, but Brownlee is also cooperating. Garrison feels the reason they're cooperating now is that up to now, they had no one to tell their story to. Garrison thought at first that George was just plain crazy, but now he begins to believe his story, and even if the story isn't true, he feels that using George and Brownlee as bait for NBC is of some value, since he is trying to get as much information as to what the television people are doing for that white paper that Sheridan is (Walter Sheridan) is putting together [sic] for an appearance in about four weeks. NBC has gone to Brownlee, as they have to all people who have been charged by Garrison, but but [sic] Garrison has charged Brownlee with possession of marijuana in order to make him talk to him, which he admits is intimidation. Brownlee, he doesn't really think, was guilty of possessing marijuana; he thinks he has him on a charge due to an act that Brownlee was performing as an informer. Nevertheless, he will use any lever possible to get important people to talk. Brownlee is important because he was very close to Ferrie. He and David Ferrie were almost like brothers, and at the same time that Ferrie was working for Carlos Marcello and G. Wray Gill, so was Brownlee; and on Nov. 22, 1963, it turns out Brownlee had been missing for a number of days. George has told Garrison that Brownlee was involved with the assassination, and that if Garrison is patient, Brownlee will tell about it in due course. In fact, when Garrison said to George that he didn't think Brownlee was directly involved, George contradicted him and said he was more involved than he, Garrison, might suspect.

Then came the real bomb of the day, the bomb that is most destructive to Garrison's case. It turns out that Sheridan has gotten to Roy Jacob, the lie-detector technician who has been performing the polygraph tests for Garrison, and Jacob is telling NBC on tape that Perry Russo failed his lie-detector test. Now Sciambra, the assistant district attorney who handled Russo, claims that when he took Russo for a lie-detector test, he left him with Jacob for 45 minutes, and when he returned, Jacob claimed that Russo was too nervous to take the test; he also told Sciambra that Russo is a psychotic, and when it was determined that Russo would not be able to take the test, Russo and Sciambra left, and Russo then stated that Jacob had intimidated him, Russo, to the point that he became enraged. He claimed that Jacob called him a liar, and said he gave Russo -- "he gave me the impression he just wanted to shoot me down." Nevertheless, on tape from the expert is the charge that Russo had failed the lie-detector test, and the only thing Garrison can do now, and what he plans to do, is to take Russo to another lie-detector expert.

Garrison agrees, as does Sciambra, that one of the problems with Russo is that he probably knows more than he is willing to tell, that it is quite likely that he had some kind of a relationship, homosexual relationship with either Ferrie or Shaw, or both, and that he was unwilling to come forward until after Ferrie's death for this reason. It is also possible that, if he indeed did see Oswald in Ferrie's apartment, as he testified he did, that he knew it all the time, for how else would they have, under what other circumstances would they have permitted him to listen in on the conversation he testified to if they didn't trust him; and if they trusted him, he must have been more deeply involved.

As an example of how the opposition is getting to Garrison's witnesses, we take the case in point of Vernon Bundy. Vernon Bundy is an addict, narcotics addict, a Negro in the Parish Prison, who testified in the public hearing in March that he had seen Oswald and Shaw together on the lakefront. It seems a social worker, a lady who works for Ruth Kloepfer (Ruth Kloepfer is a friend of Ruth Paine, she also is known to have known Oswald, and her name is in Oswald's notebook. She is an employee of Parish Prison.), this social worker who works for Mrs. Kloepfer is reported to have gotten to Vernon Bundy and told him that he was a liar and that he was working on the wrong side, and he should change his testimony and talk to NBC. Bundy, according to Garrison, has refused.

Garrison has a report from Bill Boxley that he has found out that a name in Shaw's notebook, the name, Lady D'Arcy, is the wife of a Mr. DeCoursey. Now, DeCoursey is in jail in England for sedition; he is the former publisher of a neo-Nazi publication called the Intelligence Digest.

Then we have a tip from a man named Gilbert, admittedly not the right name, to Sciambra, involving a report that a few months ago, a man named Myers, who is leader of the Minutemen in the Tucson area, and is also head of a large insurance company, received a telephone call from Dallas approximately 1 hour and 5 minutes before the assassination. The caller told Myers not to worry about the assassination, because the job was as good as having been done. And then another man named Stafford told an intermediary between himself and this guy, Gilbert, Stafford told the intermediary while in the presence of Gilbert that one of the Cubans that Jim Garrison was looking for hid out at Myers' home and also in Stafford's home for a while before leaving the country. We have this report; it is being followed up by Sciambra.

Garrison has a report from Eddie Saper, a city councilman and a lawyer and a partner of Plotkin, that Clay Shaw has been in the gunrunning business, has been involved with running guns to Cuba, and, according to Saper, Plotkin can tell Garrison all about it if he wants to.

Garrison indeed would like to get Plotkin to talk to him, because he knows that Plotkin knows the details of the Friends for [sic] Democratic Cuba, the allegedly CIA-front operation that was set up in New Orleans in 1960, and was incorporated in 1961 by Guy Banister and two other men. The background of this organization is sketchy; Garrison only knows that the organization lasted for about 5 weeks, and then it became another organization called the Free Voice of Latin America. The Free Voice then moved from the Balter Building to the International Trade Mart, and it was represented by an attorney named William Crais III. Garrison would like to get more information on this man, Crais, and also on William Dalzell, who is also instrumental in forming the organization.

Final point on Garrison's FBI suspects. He subpoenaed Regis Kennedy before the Grand Jury. Kennedy denied, or took executive privilege on every question, and Garrison is quite concerned and interested in the fact that on the question, did Kennedy know of any people in New Orleans with whom Jack Ruby associated in 1963 when he was there, Kennedy took executive privilege. We asked Garrison about Warren de Brueys; Garrison said that he hopes to get to de Brueys, but that de Brueys, still an FBI man, is in Washington.

Final bit of information from [sic] -- that Garrison has received from George and Brownlee to the effect that certain papers belonging to David Ferrie were taken to Mexico, and that George and Brownlee know their whereabouts, and promise to turn them over to Garrison, and from them, Garrison hopes to establish a documented link between Ferrie and the CIA and perhaps other members of the conspiracy he believes resulted in the assassination.


Richard Billings's NODA Journal

December 1966-January 25, 1967
February 11-March 22, 1967
March 25-April 20, 1967
April 21-May 8, 1967
May 9-18, 1967
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