FBI Interview with Eva Springer, December 5, 1963
Warren Commission Exhibit No. 2901
Warren Commission Hearings Vol. XXVI, p. 357


EVA SPRINGER, secretary to Attorney at Law DEAN ANDREWS, Room 626, Maison Blanche Building, advised that her employer, DEAN ANDREWS, never calls her at home. She stated that on November 23, 1963, he called her at approximately 4:00 PM, and told her that he was representing LEE HARVEY OSWALD in Dallas, Texas. She recalled that her only comment was that she was not going to Dallas with him and wanted nothing to do with the case and asked ANDREWS who had hired him. She advised that ANDREWS told her it was BERTRAND, no first name given. She advised that the name did not mean anything to her and the conversation was terminated. She can fix the time as being approximately 4:00 PM as she had just returned from the grocery store doing her grocery shopping for the weekend. Her last contact with ANDREWS was on Monday, November 25, 1963, when ANDREWS called her and asked her to locate any records in the office on CLAY BERTRAND. She advised that since November 25, 1963, she has been searching ANDREWS' office for a record of CLAY BERTRAND and has been unable to locate this name. She advised that CLAY BERTRAND is not known to her.

EVA SPRINGER advised she does not recall LEE HARVEY OSWALD as a client of DEAN ANDREWS and has no record of him at the office. She recalls ANDREWS speaking to her briefly about someone being interested in changing a discharge from the Marine Corps but is unable to associate this conversation with any record of OSWALD. She states she leaves the office usually at 5:00 PM and never recalled Oswald coming to the office.


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